Wednesday 24 October 2012

So simple...range

These are the other 'So Simple...' packs that I'm introducing. Again I'm hoping they are very easy to cook, even for the novice chef. All the spices, whole and ground are included in each pack, so very little measuring out apart from rice or lentils.

Depending on how well they are received, I will be adding more to this range.

WOW a brilliant book on BURMESE FOOD

I have been waiting for ' Burma - Rivers of Flavour' by Naomi Duguid to be published for ages. Heck I'd even pre-ordered it from Amazon. I have not been disappointed. Its a mix between a cookbook and travel log, with brilliant photography. Soooo much information about little daily rituals and personal observations.

She has traveled extensively and  gone to some of the more remote regions to gain further understanding of the diverse Burmese cuisine. There are chapters on a myriad rice, noodle, and salad dishes. An absolute delight.

Easy peasy Onion Bhaji's or pakoras

I had lots of fun researching recipes for ONION BHAJI's. Gram flour is making an appearance on supermarket shelves but its difficult to find good quality versions.I wanted a Spice Almighty kit to be really super easy to make as they are part of my 'So Simple...' range ( more on that later) Each pack contains premixed gram flour and spices so there is very little measuring.  Simply empty the bhaji mix into a large bowl add water, add two sliced onions, salt to taste and fry.

I was at a school pamper evening where I had little samples for the ladies to try - I think it was a thumbs up from almost everyone. And they where so surprised at how easy it sounded. I didn't really know how well the Bhaji mix would be received...but I SOLD OUT!!

Also I mentioned to a few people the mix could also be used for pakora, using spinach, cauliflower, even potato or chilli (!) I shall try out a few of these in future.