Sunday 27 November 2011

Selling Spice Almighty on Ware High Street

It was not a promising start, a rather overcast and blustery 9.30am start. Thank goodness the ladies from Magika's Kitchen where there to lend a helping hand. They are veterans of this 'selling to the public' business. They were able to give me loads of tips and had some very funny stories.

Its been a while since I've had to sell anything ( it used to be a portfolio of illustrations many moons ago) but I was soon getting into the swing of things. And before I knew it I had my first sale, and many more soon followed. I was thoroughly enjoyed myself. Many people were keen to try the sauces and most seemed to go away being pleasantly surprised.

And just as I'd almost finished packing up at the end I had one of my biggest sales- so they are making a small impact in Ware.

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